Multi purpose watertight pouch is ideal for a variety of items, like camera, credit cards, currency, Identification, etc.
With a pending 25th anniversary cruise, I searched the market for some way to take quality pictures underwater without risking my digital camera or investing in hundreds of dollars worth of equipment. My compromise was the Lewis N. Clark dry bag. The bag is heavy-duty plastic, and its waterproof integrity is guarded by a triple "zip-loc" system which is then rolled and snapped into place (per the black flap with dual yellow snaps). I shoot an "older" Kodak DX7440, which is not a terribly slim camera; space was snug for this particular camera, especially since it has a telescoping lens, but with some careful adjusting I was ready to go. I am not about to represent myself as an underwater photographer, but I will tell you the drawbacks I experienced using this setup. First, it is possible to experience a little bit of fogging in conditions where water and surface temps differ (this could possibly be remedied with an anti-fog wipe). Second, it was quite difficult if not impossible for me to see my LCD display while holding the camera underwater, so to a certain extent it was point, hope, shoot, then review and delete later, but isn't that the charm of digital photography? (I ruined NO film during the process!) Last, be sure that the bag does not have any fold or crimp in the plastic in front of the lens, or you will have distorted pix. All said and done, it was a nice dry pouch which allowed me to have camera fun while snorkeling in the Caribbean. I also used it on a recent canoeing trip to keep my camera dry, pulling it out to snap shots and then replacing it as insurance against possible dunking. Great multipurpose waterproofer, at a good price.